Monday, August 31, 2009

Step It Up 2007

Step It Up 2007 is a nationwide grassroots environmental campaign started by environmentalist Bill McKibben to demand action on global warming by the U.S. Congress.

Step It Up

In late summer 2006 McKibben helped lead a five-day walk across Vermont to demand action on global warming that some newspaper accounts called the largest demonstration to date in America about climate change. Beginning in January 2007, he founded Step It Up 2007, which organized rallies in hundreds of American cities and towns on April 14, 2007 to demand that Congress enact curbs on carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050. The campaign quickly won widespread support from a wide variety of environmental, student, and religious groups, with 1400 rallies taking place.

Step It Up 2

In August 2007 McKibben announced Step It Up 2, to take place November 3, 2007. In addition to the 80% by 2050 slogan from the first campaign, the second adds "Green Jobs Now, and No New Coal,"


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